What People Say


British Airways Chief Concorde Pilot Mike Bannister:

First To Last is a love story for Concorde that draws together the whole history of this sensational and unique aircraft.

Julian Russell, son of Sir Archibald, Concorde’s Chief Designer:

This is an authentic account of the Concorde odyssey, told by the people who made it happen, recollecting their experiences with a pride and affection that is infectious.

Mick Oakey, Editor, The Aviation Historian Magazine:

All the great milestones are included — rollout; first flights of the French and British prototypes; the 1972 Far East sales tour; entry into service; the 2000 Paris crash; the final farewells — and along the way plenty about the political, environmental and economic headwinds which metaphorically buffeted the aircraft while, in service, it cruised smoothly and serenely at Mach 2+ up to 60,000ft.

Barrie Rogers, Kenilworth:

I have just finished watching the Concorde DVD and must congratulate you on a brilliantly informative production. 

As a life-long aviation 'nut' I have vivid memories of the total Concorde project from inception to retirement. The DVD brought back to me the heady days when those experimental aircraft pushed the boundaries to ensure the successful development and implementation of a supersonic passenger service. 

My thanks to you and your team for bringing the whole story to life so that so many of us can remember a remarkable and unique aircraft. As it says at the end of the DVD, there may be other supersonic aircraft in the future, but there will only ever be one Concorde. 

David Oswald, Beaconsfield:

What a video, including plenty of informative interviews with “the good and the great” and superb aerial photography throughout. Good show, well done!

Mike Clews of the Joystick Club, White Waltham, near Maidenhead, Berkshire:

I liked the film with all those Bristol accents and the Olympus 593 explanation was well done – Dr Peter Calder has a brilliant mind.

Brian Trubshaw also came over well, as did Prince Philip, calmly taking the controls of the prototype, Concorde 002.

Adrian Roberts, West Wickham, Kent

I have watched the film and thoroughly enjoyed it. It must have been a great feat of research and editing to pull together all the film clips that have been used - pretty much all that is available.

I am old enough to have grown up with Concorde; I watched one of its first passenger flights coming into Heathrow, while cycling home from school, though that was pretty much the closest I got to one until they started appearing in museums. 

This is a fantastic effort and well worth the time.